Friday, June 6, 2008

Trains, Planes, My Poor Ol' Brain!

Hi, Mom. next time i stay somewhere for a prolonged period, i'm going to stay put. i am so sick of logistics. i can't believe the amount of mental and emotional space i've devoted to decision-making over cities, hotels, people, and especially transportation over the last 3 months. i am really sick of it. lessons i've learned:
1- less is more
2- pick a few top places or people and enjoy them
3- for every 12 hours of travel you need 24 hours to recover
4- night trains are not trains
5- home really is where the heart is, so if you don't have or won't make an emotional attachment to the place you're visiting, then don't go
6- use the rail/travel officials. they do much of your work for you; but ask questions because if they're lazy they won't find you shorter ways or discounts, etc.
and big ol
7- get rich and hire a travel agent. scheise, man!

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